Leechtown Expedition

Leechtown Expedition


Members of VEMRA re-enacted the Leechtown Gold-Rush this past weekend.

After the discovery of Gold by the Vancouver Island Expedition, thousands of gold-miners and others made their way to Sooke in the summer of 1864. J.M. Foley, a member of the Expedition posted a notice in the Times Colonist to meet him at a specific location in the Sooke Harbour marked by a white flag with a Maltese Cross for the shortest and best routes to the mines.

Front Page News

VEMRA made the front page of Lookout Newspaper.


The photo was taken on July 9th at the annual open house at CFB Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum.  VEMRA came out, once again, in support with our usual array of impressions.  The day was perhaps not the greatest in terms of weather, but it still saw over 300 visitors come out.  All in all, a pretty good event.

For all the photos from this event, click here.

For a look at the entire newspaper, click here.

New Beginnings

Welcome to VEMRA's brand new website!

We are still very much a work in progress.  Alot more content is yet to come.  Expect lots more changes and updates, including more event photos,  some tutorials and videos and much more, so stay tuned and check back often.  In the meantime, take a moment to look around the site and leave us a comment, either here or through the "contact us" form, we'd love to hear from you!